MOVIE SCREENING // Samsara (2011) // Part or Apart from Nature?

We're excited to announce a monthly collaboration between DYVÓ and KinoArmata focused on climate change and the environment!
Every first Tuesday of the month, we'll be screening a different film that explores our relationship with the natural world, from our impact on animals and the environment to the urgent issues of plastic pollution and climate change.

We're kicking off the series with "Samsara," a visually stunning and thought-provoking film by Ron Fricke that explores our relationship with industrial life and the impact it has on the planet. After the screening, we'll gather for discussions and reflections to deepen our understanding of these important topics.

As we watch this mesmerizing film, we'll be prompted to think about our own lives and consumption habits. Are we a part of nature, or do we view it as something to exploit? Can we change our habits and work together to prevent a catastrophic event for the earth? Let's come together and find out.

"Samsara" was filmed over five years in twenty-five locations and features a breathtaking soundtrack that captures the beauty and depth of the human spirit. Join us for this inspiring and eye-opening event!